Holideas Website

The on-line course I took on Web Authoring required me to make a website with the skills I had learned during the course. As the course was progressing, I would have to hand in parts of the website. So at first I handed in mock ups and ideas for the website. My idea for the website was travel information from different countries and cities. The idea was to display information on certain places, this is to give the user an insight about the country/city before going. I planned to display an image of said place with the name over it when you open up the page. Then below that would be sections for historical info, places to visit, and travel info.


The next part of the course was to code the skeleton of the website. This was mainly done in HTML. The idea was to create the pages needed, add the DIVS to divide the page up, add any text that was going to be used i.e. menus, heading, informational test etc. Also images could be added at this stage as well. The images I used were meant to show what the place was famous for. For example, Greece has beautiful beaches and i wanted to use an image that showcased that. Similarly, Scotland is famous for the highlands.

For the information about the cities and countries I wanted to have variety in what the page would show. For the countries I chose to show landmarks and cities to visit. The landmarks are spread out so they are all in one part of the country. For example, the Greece page shows landmarks from all over the country. The cities menu section only has landmarks, as I tried to find information on bars/restaurants in the selected city but there wasn’t a lot of info about them and the views were subjective.


The last part of the course was to style the website. This is where CSS comes into play and what really stylizes a page. The colour theme I was going for was shades of blue. This was to symbolize the blue skies of a beautiful sunny holiday and being on the beach beside calm, clear seas.

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