
Hi, the name is Aaron Ferry

I graduated from Letterkenny IT with an Honours Degree in Computing With Computer Games Development. In the years I’ve spent at college, my interest for technology has grown. The main coding language I learned in the course was Java. The course covered everything from creating a method to JavaFX. When it came to the games side of the course we mainly programmed in C# on the Unity engine. Other subjects i learned in college were Software Development Life Cycle, Network Technologies using Cisco packet tracer and Web development.

In my spare time I’ve learned C++. Also I completed an online course in Web Authoring and have received an certified Adobe award. I wanted to do the course because I was interested in web development and though I covered it in college, I wanted to learn up on it again and get reacquainted. Also a lot of the jobs I have been applying to do require HTML5, CSS, JavaScript etc.

I have had a passion for games ever since i was young. The console I had was the Sega GameGear (if you can remember that!) and the first game i played was Shinobi, which was a pretty tough game!

My favourite games would be:

  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Bully
  • Burnout 3 Takedown
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

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